A Warm Palette Summer Capsule Wardrobe

A Summer Capsule Wardrobe Using a Warm Palette

A white background with 27 pieces for building a warm palette summer capsule wardrobe.

Grey Tank Top | Black Sleeveless Top | Crop Top | T-shirt | Striped Button Up | Silk Button Up | Sweater | Blazer | Denim Jacket | Swimsuit | Black Trousers | Cream Trousers | Jeans | Shorts | Slip Dress | Black Dress | Earrings | Scarf | Sunglasses | Fringe Purse | Orange Purse | Woven Tote | Heels | Pink Sandals | Flats | Slides | Sneakers

Today I put together a warm palette summer capsule wardrobe. I am a huge proponent of wearing what you like at any age or body shape, I also don’t always hold to the “what colours look best on me” conversations.

I think you should wear whatever makes you feel good.

But, there is no denying that certain colours compliment differently on different people.

There is a whole science behind this, and I am also going to enrol in a colour and wardrobe course to delve deeper on this topic after I finish my currently schooling.

I am a light spring palette that toes the line of the light summer palette.

This means that I can usually wear from both categories, and it will compliment me, but the warmer tones of colours always work better for me.

For example, I look good in all tones of yellow in general. But I look better in yellows that have orange/golden undertones than those that have green undertones.

You can make warm tones cooler or cool tones warmer by choosing a version of the colour that has undertones of the desired warm/cool family that you are looking for.

I recently bought a yellow sweater because I want more colour in my wardrobe.

I like it, it looks nice, but it would look nicer on someone with dark hair.

It has too much of a green undertone, and it would have worked better on me if it was more golden.

C’est la vie. Live and learn from it.

When you are looking to plan out your wardrobe colours most often when you search warm palette wardrobe you get a lot of neutral capsule wardrobes that consist mostly of various tones of brown, and cream.

For this one, when I was trying to come up with a colour combination for a wardrobe, I wanted to pick something that was much more of a summer colour palette.

This can be seen in the pinks, oranges, and yellows. I chose a bubblegum-ish tone of pink because it is warmer than a pink with purple undertones (which would look nice in a cool palette).

There is some blue in here too which is technically considered cool, but because it is denim it is considered a neutral.

I wanted to make sure to include a very oversized denim jacket because it is not only one of the essentials for summer, but it is also really high on the summer trend list.

You can never go wrong with a denim jacket, but an oversized denim jacket looks so much fresher and modern than one of the waist length, fitted styles that we have had since the dawn of time.

I managed to find a men’s vintage 90s Levi’s denim jacket on Poshmark and while I am still waiting for him to ship it (is it just me or are people way longer and longer to ship things on Poshmark?) I hope it fits the way that I am envisioning.

Perfectly faded and worn in, roomy body, low shoulders, extra long sleeves that you cuff back.

Fingers crossed he ships it soon.

So the point of this post is to show you that you don’t have to box yourself into a specific colour palette.

When you are deciding what you want your capsule wardrobe colour palette to be you don’t have to stick to just browns and creams for a warm palette, and greys, whites, and blacks for a cool.

They all mix, and you can choose to add colours, just remember to pick a colour with the right undertone. There are even blues that can look warm with the right undertone, and blue is considered the coolest tone colour out there.

Add some patterns, especially to your clothes during the summer season because you don’t get a lot of opportunities to add extra things to your summer outfit via layers, so grab some colour and pattern where you can.

It was 42°C today with the humidex and I had to go out to Zara to do a return. The Zara sale starts tonight, and I didn’t want to have to brave the in-store crowds in order to process my return.

It’s funny. I have been having better luck with my secondhand purchases than anything I have bought at Zara recently.

It’s hard not to get sucked into the sale, so I am going to try really hard to stay away from it.

Stay safe.

Summer Outfits for Women

A white background with 15 outfits from building a warm palette summer capsule wardrobe.

Casual Summer Outfit Ideas

A white background with 15 outfits from building a warm palette summer capsule wardrobe.

Grey Tank Top | Black Sleeveless Top | Crop Top | T-shirt | Striped Button Up | Silk Button Up | Sweater | Blazer | Denim Jacket | Swimsuit | Black Trousers | Cream Trousers | Jeans | Shorts | Slip Dress | Black Dress | Earrings | Scarf | Sunglasses | Fringe Purse | Orange Purse | Woven Tote | Heels | Pink Sandals | Flats | Slides | Sneakers

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How to use a Colour Wheel to Help You Build a Summer Capsule Wardrobe
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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.


  1. Hi Sara! Could you fix the link to the black tank top! It’s just what I’m looking for! Thanks!

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