Summer Packing List
Black Tank Top | Beatles T-shirt | White Tee | Blue Peasant Blouse | White Linen Sweater | White Linen Dress | Floral Blazer | Cropped Check Pants | White Wide Leg Trousers | Jeans | Floral Swimsuit | Straw Hat | Hoop Earrings | Blue Scarf | Green Sunglasses | Yellow Sneakers | Cream Sandals | Blue Purse |Straw Eye Bag |
A 10 day packing list seems like a nice middle of the road number for those that are trying to plan out what to pack for summer vacation…if you are lucky enough to be able to have one.
It’s really ridiculously hot right now, it has been for the last two+ weeks and seems to be predicted for the unforeseeable future.
It’s gross and makes me and everyone else in here not to want to leave the house.
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