Outfit 1 – Cropped T-shirt | Sunglasses | Joggers | Blazer | Sneakers | Tote | Necklace
Outfit 2 – Cropped Shirt | Blazer (similar) | Jeans | Necklace | Vintage Bag | Loafers |
Outfit 3 – Wrap Shirt (similar) | Levi’s | Necklace | Slides | Tote |
Outfit 4 – Wrap Shirt (similar) | Jeans | Necklace | Vintage Bag | Slides (similar)|
Outfit 5 – Slip Dress (similar) | Blazer | Sandals | Bag | Necklace |
It is another headache day today. We went out to dinner last night and Tom ordered a gigantic steak for himself. When I say gigantic I mean it came out on a large wooden slab and looked like a meal that would have been served on The Flinstone’s.
It was a huge amount of meat that promptly put him to sleep when he got home…which wouldn’t have been bad if it didn’t result in him having meat dreams.
Not dreams of actual meat but induced by the massive amount that he ate.
He tossed and turned, talked, and yelled in his sleep so much that by the time he screamed in fear and then loudly said, “something is poking me! Something is poking me!”
I grabbed my pillow and blanket and slept on the couch with the cat and watched the sunrise.
For what it’s worth, nothing was poking him except me after telling him to wake the hell up and stop yelling.
Good times.
So then I woke up with a headache which is just now starting to go away.
My teenager gets her second vaccination tomorrow which will be a relief. I can’t wait until they approve one for my youngest. It stresses me out because the numbers are slowly starting to climb again here.
I can only imagine what is going to happen when the school year starts back up. Last year was bad, but this year will tentatively be worse due to how contagious it is now.
It’s scary.
I just realized the other day that when we were moving and bringing stuff down to the storage locker that all the Christmas stuff got packed in deep.
The thought of digging it out is stressing me out, but I also know that we really need to go down there and get rid of a bunch of shit.
We started packing stuff in there neat and orderly but by the end when we were running out of time it became, “cram as much shit in there as you can, and we will deal with it later.”
It’s so bad that Tom has a box of summer stuff that is in there deep and he just said “fuck it” and bought a couple of pairs of new shorts instead of digging it out.
Stay safe.
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