What I Wore This Week 289

Sara of livelovesara is standing in front of a mirror taking a photo of her outfit. She is wearing an oversized black poplin shirt, black kick flares, woven flats, and is carrying a vintage Longchamp handbag.

Sara of livelovesara is standing in front of a mirror taking a photo of her outfit. She is wearing a red striped sweater, vintage Levi's, woven flats, and is carrying an Issey Miyake bag.

Sara of livelovesara is standing in front of a mirror taking a photo of her outfit in a Zara changerrom. She is wearing an oversized long poplin shirt in blue striped, vintage jeans, red socks, brown Adidas SL72 sneakers, and is carrying an animal print tote.

Sara of livelovesara is standing in front of a mirror taking a photo of her outfit. She is wearing a striped tank, black pleated midi skirt, a vintage aviator jacket, green Adidas SL72 sneakers, and is carrying a vintage Gucci Handbag.

Outfit 1 – Black Button Up | Kick Flares | Woven Flats | Vintage Bag (similar)
Outfit 2 – Button Up (old) | Vintage Jeans | Socks | Sneakers | Tote
Outfit 3 – Sweater | Vintage Levi’s | Woven Flats | Issey Miyake Tote
Outfit 4 – Tank Top | Skirt | Vintage Jacket | Sneakers | Vintage Bag

Yesterday we attended a wedding and of course we were late. Luckily a lot of other guests were late as well because parking downtown is a nightmare and this was right downtown. Like, across the street from the Eaton’s centre downtown.

So yes, parking was a nightmare.

On our way, there was a huge house fire right off the highway. The sky was a massive black cloud and there were so many fire trucks and emergency vehicles that it caused a traffic jam.

That tied with the fact that it was a long weekend, and Saturday at 4 in the afternoon meant traffic was horrendous.

The stopping and starting of the car, while we navigated the traffic, made me car sick. Yes, I get car sick a lot, and it is something that I apparently passed to the girls.

We are car pukers. Always have been, if anything it has got worse for me as I got older.

So I am hanging my face out the window like a dog while Tom is trying to reach for a bag in the back for me. Then he offered me water.

Warm car water.

That would have pushed me over the edge.

Luckily I managed to keep everything where it should be, but it was touch and go there for a bit. I am a really fun person to travel with.

So when we got close enough to the venue to walk, we turned into the first parking garage we found out of necessity. You basically grab the first place you see here otherwise you’ll just be driving around and around.

Then using the pedestrian exit to get out of the underground we ended up in the PATH.

If you are from here you know what that is, and if you have no idea what it is, it is an underground pedestrian walkway that is massive.

It literally spans somewhere around 30 kms under the city and is full of restaurants, and shopping.

It’s very weird, and kind of dark.

But it is an integral part of the downtown core, and something like 200,000 pedestrians walk through there daily. And it is very much a city cliche to get lost down there, so of course we did.

We were late already so why not get lost in the PATH to add more adventure?

Here is a video of the PATH, so you can get a really good idea of what it is like. It’s actually super cool to walk through when you aren’t in a rush.

By the time we finally made our way back up to the surface, we were basically running with our navigation map to get us there. And typical downtown there is so much construction that we kept hitting blockades and had to reroute.

We made it though, with 10 minutes to spare because they held off while they waited for the last few people.

On the way back to the car to come home, we couldn’t find where we came out from the PATH to get back down to the car, so we had to wander until we found the garage entrance.

Thankfully I remembered that it was across from Saks, and I only remembered that because I wanted to go shopping instead because weddings give me anxiety.

So we got to the garage and again walked around looking for a way in, but by that point my feet hurt and I was on the last bit of energy I summoned, so we walked down the car incline and entered when the door opened as someone drove out which obviously you are not supposed to do and I don’t recommend.

Walking down that steep incline in high heel shoes was pretty exciting in a, “am I going to slip and fall on my ass, or get hit by a car first?” sort of way. But we made it out.

Then we hit traffic again on the way home because why not? When we were almost there I ordered the girls McDonald’s for delivery since I had an Uber Eats 40% off code, and then sat on the couch with one of the cats trying to recuperate from the day.

And today I am still recuperating.

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What I Wore This Week 288


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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.

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