What I Wore This Week

A blonde woman is wearing a cropped sweatshirt, vintage trousers, green ballet flats, and a vintage bucket bag.
A blonde woman is wearing tan trousers, a black tank top, a vintage blazer, Miu Miu flats, and a vintage coach bag.
A blonde woman is wearing a vintage band t-shirt, a matching suit set, blue sandals, and a vintage bucket bag.
A blonde woman is wearing an oversized button up, grey trousers, a driving cap. clogs, and a red vintage Prada bag.

Outfit 1 – Sweatshirt | Vintage Trousers | Flats (similar) | Vintage Bag (similar)
Outfit 2 – Tank Top | Trousers | Vintage Blazer | Flats | Vintage Bag
Outfit 3 – Vintage T-shirt (similar) | Trousers | Blazer | Sandals | Vintage Bag (similar)
Outfit 4 – Button Up | Trousers | Clogs | Vintage Bag | Hat

It has been a crazy few days. First, the entire Roger’s network went down starting around 4 am on Friday morning and continued throughout until about 11 pm that night which is why I never put out a Friday Post.

It was a MESS.

Things were shut down all over the place, and even the 911 services weren’t available for anyone trying to use a Rogers phone.

That should never happen.

I hope it is the beginning of the end of the oligopoly of cell and internet providers.

We only have three major ones across the country, and any of the small ones are branched off from the larger ones.

Therefore, there is no competition and the prices of services are insane.

Insane. Like, over $400/month for my cell plan, my husband’s, and my teenager’s and then another $125-ish for our internet.

And don’t get me started on the cost of food. Parmesan and butter cost me $14 the other day.

It’s out of control.

Anyway, I planned on doing the post on Saturday instead, but it was my 18th wedding anniversary and Tom surprised me with a kitten.

I forgot how hard kittens can be, especially when you don’t have a designated room to keep them in until they acclimate to the house, and the other cat gets used to them.

His name is Toots Magoots and he is a munchkin and Scottish fold mix, so he has semi folded ears and shorts legs.

We call him Toot or little Toot.

And stupid me thought that with short legs he couldn’t jump well.

Oh, he can and he does.

Which is what kept me and the girls up until 4am last night trying to find a crate of some kind online.

Nobody could sleep with the crying and the jumping mayhem.

If I slept alone I would have just put him in his soft carrier and kept in next to me in bed. He would have settled, but Tom is a flailer, and it wouldn’t be safe.

I finally bought a pen only to realize in the morning that I misread the measurements, and it wasn’t 45 inches across it was 45 cm.

That was a fail.

So we have to keep him in a makeshift thing that I built until the proper sized one that I reordered arrives on Tuesday.

Thankfully it has a removable mesh roof, so he can stop thinking that he can jump out.

Having to get up every hour to make sure he is ok it too reminiscent of early motherhood and I don’t miss that.

Not one little bit.

On a side note: I bought these sunglasses for my final class project and ended up liking them…a lot.

It’s another 70s theme this time involving me in the photo.

I bought them because they have the perfect 70s look and fit nice and big on my face and when I tried them on my youngest said, “well those are super fun”, so it looks like they might join my collection of sunglasses.

They will bring such a fun vibe.

Stay safe.

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What I Wore Last Week


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I am now offering digital styling guides, and personal styling services. If you are looking for some styling help that is inexpensive and easy, check out my digital styling guides. If you want some one-on-one help shopping, building and editing your wardrobe, or packing for a trip, I can also assist. Check out all the styling services that I offer here.

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This post contains affiliate links. By using my links to shop I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you). Thanks for supporting what I do 🙂


Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.

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