What I Wore This Week

I am wearing wide leg leather trousers, a black silk blouse, a black tote, and black Mary Janes.
I am wearing a red Bikini Kill sweatshirt, wide leg trousers, New Balance sneakers, and a crossbody.
I am wearing an Anine Bing sweatshirt, grey trousers, Balenciaga loafers, and a crossbody.
I am wearing a grey cashmere sweater, trousers, New Balance 327, a black tote, and a crossbody.
I am wearing black stirrups, and oversized white blouse, an oversized leather jacket, Prada Loafers, and Le Specs sunnies.

Outfit 1 – Silk Blouse | Leather Trousers | Mary Jane Flats | Tote | Necklace |
Outfit 2 – Sweatshirt | Trousers | Necklace | Crossbody | Sneakers |
Outfit 3 – Sweatshirt | Trousers (similar) | Necklace (similar) | Crossbody | Loafers (secondhand) | Sunglasses |
Outfit 4 – Sweater | Trousers (old) | Crossbody | Sneakers | Tote |
Outfit 5 – Stirrups | Oversized Blouse | Leather Jacket (similar) | Loafers | Sunglasses |

When I was a teenager we had to make our own flare jeans by opening the side seam and sewing in a triangular piece of fabric. I made a few pairs and LOVED those jeans. I wore them until the back hem wore so far up that they looked ridiculous from behind.

In the mid-2000s flares became popular again and I had a pair of True Religion low rise that I lived in.

I actually see True Religion low rise flares a lot when I am thrifting and I always wonder what I was thinking. Those jeans were LOW.

Fast forward, and flares are back again. I received the pair that I ordered from American Eagle last week and they probably fit better than the two previous experiences that I had with flares.

The pair that I bought have a mid-high waist, a stretch, and are a great wash of blue.

I debuted them today on Instagram and asked what everyone thought about them coming back once again.

The general consensus seems to be that we are all pretty happy about it since they are universally flattering. We also all agreed that we are not going to be happy when low rise comes back.

I say when and not if because we know it is inevitable.

I’ll never be able to do low rise again.

When I think about it, I don’t believe I really should have done low rise the last time either because it felt like my ass crack was perpetually on display. I have never hiked up pants as often as during those low-rise years.

I’m really glad that social media wasn’t a thing back then because I’m sure that I would have had some “Sara’s butt crack is showing” photos show up periodically.

I also want to mention that I often wore a silky square bandana folded into a triangle and tied around as a shirt. I am extremely shocked that it never slid right off at any point, since I can’t keep one from sliding off my head.

What was I thinking?

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What I Wore Last Week


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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.


  1. Oh man, the fabric triangles…my best friend did that with all of her pants, she had a pretty amazing collection of fabric and everyone in our friend group would go to her to sew those triangles. She wound up dying in a car accident when we were 16 and afterwards her parents gave me two pairs of her flares. I still have both of them in my parents house – one pair of black Dickies with white fabric triangles and a pair of lime green jeans that she hand painted neon pink smiley faces on. My parents even moved a couple of years ago and made sure to hang them up because they couldn’t bear leaving them in a box.

    None of us could ever bring ourselves to get rid of them – but those green jeans are hideous though.

    • I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I had one pass from a car accident too right after high school. I would never get rid of those pants either.

      I had a pair of black Dickies too that I put the fabric in. I worked in a skateboard shop and they were my favourite work pants from there. Low rise, with a 3 row studded belt. It was like my life uniform during that time period.

      The first time my husband saw me I was at work climbing up a ladder. My butt crack was hanging out of my pants but there was nothing I could do about it because I was on a ladder with boxes in my hands 😂

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