What I Wore This Week

Blogger Sara Watson is wearing a Paloma Woool blouse, blue cashmere sweater, grey slouchy trousers, and blue Veja Sneakers.
Blogger Sara Watson is wearing a grey wrap sweater, grey trousers, Miu Miu Flats, and a Zara Bag.
Blogger Sara Watson is wearing a grey sweater dress, white Golden Goose sneakers, and a Zara bag.
Blogger Sara Watson is wearing an oversized grey cardigan, grey trousers, blue sandals, and a Zara Bag.

Outfit 1 – Blouse | Sweater | Trousers (old) | Vejas | Bag |
Outfit 2 – Wrap Sweater | Trousers | Flats | Zara Bag |
Outfit 3 – Sweater Dress | Sneakers | Watch | Bag |
Outfit 4 – Grey Cardigan | Trousers | Sandals (similar) | Bag |


You did it. You did it and I am so f*cking proud of you. You could almost feel the earth shiver when everyone collectively let out the breath they had all been holding for days.

I know the battle is far from over.

I know that it is going to be really, really hard to dig yourself out of the depths of where the orange man dragged you.

But you can do it.

Don’t you find it hilariously hypocritical when someone tells you to stay in your lane?

Would you ask me to stay in my lane if I was talking about something that you agreed with?

You wouldn’t. You would probably cheer or say “AMEN” even though I am an atheist and that literally means nothing to me.

It is kind of like the proverbial pat on the head that you give a woman when you tell her to know her place.

Fun fact: It doesn’t bother me when people don’t like me.

I’ve never been one to win over people with my charming personality, but I am loyal to a fault.

If I am on your team I will literally go down swinging with/for you.

And the excuse “I don’t talk politics on my page” that you have been hearing from the influencers means either:

a) don’t want to admit to voting for Trump after posting their solidarity black squares with their promises if “listening and learning”.
or, b) they don’t want to ruffle feathers and lose followers for not “sticking to their lane”.

Followers = $$ and money is a huge motivator as if you didn’t know 😉

I made a mental note of any influencers who went those routes and I have either stopped following them or will never follow them since most of those individuals are not someone that I would follow anyway.

Staying out of politics is a privilege people.

On a final note, it will be nice to see some pets back in the White House. I tend to side-eye people who don’t like animals or whom animals don’t like.

They are a great judge of character.

*Editing to add: I need to make something clear, based on the commenter below who felt she needed to tell me she was unfollowing and to mind my own business.

American politics affect Canada. Whom you choose as your leader will directly impact us. There is no avoiding it when your country has such a close connection to ours.

So I will share my two cents, even though we abolished pennies years ago.

Stay safe.

You might also like:
What I wore last week.

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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.


  1. Bye, Sara. I have been a subscriber following for the fashion and whatnot. Don’t need your political two-cents from Canada. If you look at the voting map of the USA, 50% of it is RED. I’m not ashamed to be a Republican, half of us here voted that way.

    • Omg. Hahaha! This is exactly what I was talking about so you obviously didn’t read to the end 😂😂😂 and if you don’t think the politics in your country affect Canadians in any way you need to step outside of your little bubble to educate yourself. American politics affect the WORLD. Bye Amy. I don’t think you are getting the reaction you hoped for from me. Onwards and upwards.

    • And I never said there was shame in being a Rebuplican. You can still be a Republican and not vote for this particular one. Many also voted that way.

  2. Thank you. I saw the comments from another follower who apparently took the Trump train. Well, I’m going to stick around due to the fact that our politics align. ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thank you Sara. I shared in that deep exhale. Love following you and grabbed a few of your winter capsules items. Fun way to celebrate this amazing weekend! 😊

    • I know things aren’t going to go smooth but I really hope he doesn’t stir up too much shit for you guys before the transition.

      I’ve been trying to organize my winter gear this weekend too. We actually have a heat wave going on right now so it’s kind of gross 😂 #climatechange

  4. Trump is beyond differences in politics. He’s morally and ethically corrupt. Thank you for supporting a return to human decency. Btw, what is the size you’re wearing of the grey cardigan from H and M?

    • I totally agree. It crossed the line of basic politics a long time ago. I’m wearing the small. It’s a very oversized fit. 😁

      • Love it! I’m relatively new to your blog but I LOVE your capsules and your style. You’ve helped me add a little edge to my basics to keep my look fresh. Thanks for staying true to your values and for not disowning the lot of us these past 4 years.

  5. Yaaaas 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you for your support! The past week has been incredibly stressful – last night I finally slept a whole night – and there are many of us who appreciate the well wishes from our neighbors up north. Keep doing you and 🖕🏻 to the haters. What kind of sociopath doesn’t have a dog in the White House?

  6. YEEEESSSSSS!!!!! You are not only completely right but this post is also so eloquently and emphatically written that it is such a pleasure to read. It makes me wish you wrote about these topics more often! Thank you!

  7. Your political posts make me love this blog even more: it shows your character and that you stay true to you’d values. ✊🏼💪🏾

  8. Thankyou for having the courage to be political. In this age we can no longer separate our personal lives from our work lives. Everything we do matters. Every way we show up matters. I’m kind of moderate politically but I’m a doctor and there’s no way I could support Trump given his disastrous handling of the pandemic that has caused and will continue to cause many thousands more deaths. Even if I pay more in taxes, I can’t vote for death.

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