What I Wore This Week

A blonde woman is wearing a short sleeve sweatshirt, grey wide leg jeans, white & Black Chanel kitten heels, a grey cap, and a large Alexander McQueen clutch.

A blonde woman is wearing a yellow sweater, wide leg trousers, pointy toed boots, retro sunglasses, and a vintage Gucci bag.

A blonde woman is wearing a black cashmere sweater with red Adidas track pants, a vintage fringe jacket, blue Onitsuka Tigers, and a vintage Gucci bag,

A blonde woman is wearing a black silk blouse, vintage Levi's, red Mary Jane's, and a vintage animal print bag.

Outfit 1 – Sweatshirt | Jeans (similar) | Shoes (secondhand) | Hat | Clutch
Outfit 2 – Sweater (secondhand) | Trousers | Boots | Bag | Sunglasses
Outfit 3 – Sweater | Track Pants | Jacket | Shoes | Bag
Outfit 4 – Blouse | Jeans | Bag (vintage) | Shoes

I am not usually one to follow the #BookTok social media world because it can be a scary place to visit sometimes. Book lovers can be…ahem, quite vocal about their likes and dislikes which can lead to a whole slew of drama that I don’t want to participate in.

That being said, I sometimes look to them for popular and trending book titles when I don’t know what to read.

I am averaging 2-3 books a week at the moment and sometimes I finish one book without another one waiting in the queue, and then I panic at 1 am when I am settling in bed and I realize I have nothing to read.

Because you know that I can’t go to bed early, even though I should.

This is when I visit the realm of BookTok so that I can maybe get some quick ideas.

I don’t always believe the rave reviews so I have to pay a visit to Goodreads before jumping in. For example, all the hype over Colleen Hoover’s books over the past few years.

I don’t like them, at all.

So with all the raving and people talking about her books it made me lose a little faith in the communities recommendations that it would appeal to my tastes.

BUT, I have noticed the hype about ACOTR (A Court of Thorns and Roses) series which I read a few years ago and really enjoyed, I thought I would give the newest hype book a chance.

Incoming the book Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros which literally just came out and is already propelled to the top.

I finished it last night and it was a great read.

I have the Kindle edition because it seems to be sold out everywhere, but I would love a physical copy because the book is beautiful with the little dragon art on the sides.

It’s labelled as a New Adult book even though it has a lot of YA characteristics, but since there is some adult content it gets bumped up I guess?

Is New Adult even a genre?

It was a longish book, over 500 pages but pretty exciting from start to finish making you wish it was longer.

The downside is that it is the first book in a series, the upside is that it doesn’t leave on a total devastating cliffhanger (more like surprise/shock), and the next book comes out in November which isn’t THAT far away.

Even though it is going to feel like it.

I almost want to set myself up as a book reviewer so I can get an ARC of the book.

I’m totally serious about that.

So now I don’t know what to read again, and I might just have to go search BookTok once more and hope for a second win.

If you like YA/adult fantasy books with some slow burn and spice, and a lot of action with an interesting and exciting plot that keeps you reading then you may like this.

And dragons, you need to like dragons.

Fun fact: I have a tattoo of a dragon on my back shoulder. I like dragons a lot.

I actually might read it again because when you fly through it the first time you often miss things that you catch during a slower second read.

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What I Wore Last Week


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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.

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