Outfit 1 – Turtleneck | Blazer | Jeans | Boots | Bag (similar)
Outfit 2 – Turtleneck | Jacket | Vtg Levis | Boots | Bag
Outfit 3 – Cardigan | Jeans | Boots | Bag
Outfit 4 – Tee | Vtg Levis | Scarf | Vtg Boots | Vtg Jacket (old) | Bag
So much for the TikTok banning drama of the last 24 hours. That was so predictable and lame that I am embarrassed for all who participated in it.
The fact that grown men with that much power chose to partake in this performance does not bode well. I can’t believe we are living through this bullshit.
It’s a cold one today and I have the heat cranked but I am still so cold in here. I miss the electronic fireplace I used to have for an apartment that had poor insulation and was horribly cold in the winter.
It was a great little heater. I think my cats would have liked it.
A heated blanket for me would be nice. I think the cats would like that too.
In order to avoid the cold today, I didn’t go to the post office for a return and Poshmark drop off which was a bad choice on my behalf because tomorrow is supposed to be even worse.
That’s what I get for wanting to stay in my pyjamas all day.
But I guess it is also good that I waited because it allowed me to realize that Gap does in-store returns for online orders which (correct me if I am wrong) they didn’t used to do here. I always mailed them back in.
I received my fuck buttons cardigan this week and I am more than thrilled. You can see it in outfit 3.
I’ll have this sweater for as long as it lets me.
Now I must go read because I have less than 24 hours to finish rereading the Fourth Wing books before the next one Onyx Storm comes out. I have ordered a hardcover special edition but the ebook will release on iBooks at midnight on the 21st, or at least it should because it usually does.
Amazon is usually a 3am release EST for me, which I would rather not wait for.
Fingers crossed.
This year feels like it is gearing up to be a doozy and it is only January.
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