Weekly Reads and Finds

A white background with a collection of 24 finds from the past week.

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four

I have had such a busy week this week that I did something that I have never done. I turned off all notifications on my devices.

I always figured that it wasn’t that big of a deal, but I am really pushing it for deadlines and I wanted to see if it would make a difference.

It does. I have been converted to maybe using the Do Not Disturb option for certain hours of the day because I never really realized how much time I wasted.

I have never been great with using my time efficiently, but this was a step in the right direction.

Hopefully I can get back to regularity next week, but until I finish these client works and projects I am better keeping them turned off.

Weekly Reads and Some Videos:

Meet the People Working 3 Jobs to Afford Erewhon. Erewhon is an upscale supermarket and this is craziness. – The Cut

I put together a 12 piece summer capsule wardrobe yesterday and I love it.

Why the Romans had Better Teeth than Modern Europeans

Without the First Folio, Half of Shakespeare’s Plays Would Have Been Lost to History

The Medieval Illuminated Manuscript Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, “the World’s Most Beautiful Calendar” (1416)

1950s hats

A life artist in Paris. Immense talent.

The Bavarian town of Nordlingen built in a 14 million year old meteor impact crater

Hollywood’s Horror Chef

I didn’t know that they made, Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret into a movie!

Gen Z is buying up homes. How they got so lucky — and millennials got screwed. I’m not a millennial but I can’t even buy a home.

Is This Under-the-Radar Sneaker the Next Adidas Samba? I feel like I told you this was going to happen months ago 😉 You can find some here, and these are mine. I wear a women’s 8 which translates to a men’s 7 in these sneakers.

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Weekly Reads and Finds last week


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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.

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