Weekly Reads and Finds

A white background with 24 items that I think would make great gifts, or would work well this holiday season.

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six

I have to say that this is one of the first Black Friday’s in years that I have not bought anything. I mean, it wasn’t for lack of trying it was just that everything that I was looking for or that was on my list didn’t seem to be included in any sale.

Maybe Cyber Monday will be better?

I got smoked by the Zara sale. I don’t even know how people managed to buy anything because as soon as I found something in stock, it was sold and removed from my cart.

I shouldn’t even bother. Zara sale shoppers are hardcore and must have some kind of trick they use to be able to actually get what they want.

I’ve pretty much had a hovering headache for the last 48 hours. I *think* that it is on its way out, so I hope when I wake in the morning it will be gone.

I wasn’t able to get Merle a vaccination appointment with the first release of openings this week, but she is on the waitlist at the same pharmacy that Roo got hers.

They were really good there too. Roo has vaccine anxiety and she was really kind and patient with her.

I hope we get a notification sooner rather than later because this new mutation is stressing me out.

Weekly Reads and some Videos…and maybe some gift ideas:

I really LOVE this acorn vase from the MOMA gift shop.

Fashion History’s Most Flustering Flex: The Codpiece

This cordless lamp is really neat. I would work well in Merle’s room where it is really small and she can move it around to different surfaces.

How Your Family Tree Could Catch a Killer. I have my DNA at Ancestry and have absolutely no issues with it being used in solving crimes (and cold cases). – The New Yorker

An Amazing Before and After of an Ancient Greek Stadium Excavation

Why do I feel like I would really enjoy this unpacking game?

Are you looking for your next book to read? Here is a huge list of highly recommended ones. And here is another one.

I can’t wait until this series starts in January.

The Bizarre Dogs Breeds that Time Forgot

If you still suffer from loss of smell due to catching Covid there is a smell therapy that you can try.

I want this bee print.

I enjoy these vintage looking drawer handles. They remind me of the handles on the library card catalogue back in the day where you could slide the label in. I’d like to own a card catalogue just for hell of it. I don’t know what I would put in it…and while we are on that I would also like an apothecary cupboard.

If you have a writer in your life, they may enjoy this one sentence a day journal that lets your compare 5 years worth of thoughts.

Stay safe.

You might also like:
Weekly Reads and Finds Last Week


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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.


  1. The only things I bought on Black Friday were tickets to two Christmas events. And I only waited until BF in case there were discounts, but there weren’t so they were both at full price. Had I known I would’ve bought them sooner and gotten better times, but oh well. We went to the town tree lighting on Friday as well, it started with a lantern parade, then was an hour and a half wait to the actual lighting, so we went to a nearby pub and got a pizza, and that was the extent of my Black Friday spending.

    The first event is this coming Saturday, at the local castle (lol, that feels weird to say). The castle is inhabited by the Earl and Countess of Devon. The Countess of Devon just so happens to be AJ Langer from My So Called Life. I will report back if I see her. 😉

    • Omg. I totally forgot that she became a countess. I remember watching an interview with her about it and she talked about how bizarre it was, and how much it took to get used to it (although she said you don’t really get used to it). Can you even imagine? I would LOVE to have a local castle 😂 everything is so new here that it’s boring.

      I have my fingers crossed for Cyber Monday deals but once again not holding my breath. I need to get my shit together for my husbands gift. He keeps buying himself things and it’s pissing me off 😆 I’m thinking maybe a big Gremlin replica for just office. He likes stuff like that.

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