What I Wore This Week 322

Sara of livelovesara is standing in front of a mirror taking a photo of her outfit. She is wearing a white t-shirt under an animal print jacket, black vintage levis, green Adidas sneakers, and is carrying a black YSL easy bag.
Sara of livelovesara is standing in front of a mirror taking a photo of her outfit. She is wearing a light blue turtleneck under a leather jacket, vintage levis, black booties, and is carrying a black YSL easy bag.
Sara of livelovesara is standing in front of a mirror taking a photo of her outfit. She is wearing a cream sweater under a vintage bomber jacket, green cargo pants tucked into brown vintage boots, and is carrying a vintage Louis Vuitton bag.
Sara of livelovesara is standing in front of a mirror taking a photo of her outfit. She is wearing a light blue turtleneck under a grey Sonic Youth sweathshirt, dark blue adidas track pants, dark green adidas sneakers, a grey cap, and a YSL easy bag.

Outfit 1 – Vtg Tee | Jacket | Vtg Levis | Sneakers | Bag
Outfit 2 – Turtleneck | Vtg Leather Jacket | Vtg Levis | Boots | Bag
Outfit 3 – Sweater | Cargos (similar) | Vtg Jacket | Vtg Boots | Bag
Outfit 4 – Turtleneck | Sweatshirt | Track Pants | Sneakers | Hat | Bag

I often like to look back at my outfits and analyze things, and one of the reasons that I do it is because it helps me to see what I wear and what I don’t, or to come up with new ideas on how to wear things.

It is a little bit like some self inspiration.

When I looked back to this week I noticed that I have been using my YSL Easy bag a lot.

It is the bag that I reach for the most often right now and I think it is because it is the perfect everyday bag.

When I run errands I always have a fabric tote folded and kept in the bag so I have something larger if needed, but for being on the go it is a great size.

They come in a lot of colours and colour variations and I find that they are more reasonably priced on eBay than on Vestiaire, although both have bargains to be found and “make an offer” options.

The one I really would love is the studded version but it is always priced higher, probably because it is the one that is sought after.

I don’t actually need it in 30 colours, but it is a mid to late 00s bag that still has a lot to give.

I just watched an interesting video on the History With Amy Instagram page about an unusual 16th century trend for women to wear strings wrapped around their wrists, and attached to their ring.

I may have to give something like that a try.

Fashion history is my favourite history, and I like to get inspiration from anywhere.


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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.

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