Weekly Reads and Finds

A white background with a collection of 24 finds from the past week.

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four

Long weekends always throw me for a loop. I have to stop and remember what day it is so that I can make sure to get anything finished that needs to be done that day.

It felt like Saturday, and I am lucky that I remembered to get Easter stuff yesterday while I was out instead of waiting until today like I was going to since I had forgotten that everything was closed.

Because then I would have to go tomorrow and that would just suck. I am avoiding shopping at all costs tomorrow.

Yesterday I made a transitional spring to summer capsule wardrobe that will take you until the temperatures soar, and it was nice to see how many of you feel the same about summer.

I feel like I have always been surrounded by summer lovers, except my kids, they hate it too and I usually have to resort to bribery to get them to go out in it.

It made me think of a funny video I watched that talked about all the people who look forward to summer, and it must be because in your brain you still connect it to having holidays/time off school.

This totally makes sense because even though I hated the heat, I always looked forward to summer vacation as a kid.

I guess that just sticks for a lot of people.

Weekly Reads and Some Videos:

Europe’s oldest map shows tiny Bronze Age kingdom

Most Popular Song Each Month Since January 1980. This Youtube video is 50+ minutes long. I love this stuff, it reminded me of a bunch of songs that I forgot about. It’s crazy how many hits came from the 80s. Almost every song was great. 2010’s to now…not so much.

Fuck T-shirts. I’m sure you” find one that is applicable to you.

The Age of Average

In case you didn’t yet catch the trailer for the latest Wes Anderson movie…

Explore the Ancient Art of Kumihimo, a Traditional Japanese Braiding Technique

14 Fun Facts About Dungeons & Dragons

The era of the tween icon is over as we know it

Photos of the Japanese Subculture Where People Wear Giant Cyclops Masks. This is super cool.

An Ode to the Timeless Appeal of Circle Skirts

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Weekly Reads and Finds last week


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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.


  1. What you said about music from 2010s upwards being not so great—some time ago me and my partner watched “top singles of” the 90s, 00s and 10s videos in a row. We’ve realised that throughout the 90s and even early 2000s music was quite varied. Maybe not everything would appeal to you the same way (sometimes not at all), but there was a lot of variety going on in music. And then it all starts to sound the same. I can’t differentiate between one musician and another or even between their “hits”. Everything is produced in a similar way. It’s kind of sad. My partner has a theory that this is a response to 2008 financial crisis—people stopped taking risks because they no longer felt secure to do so. I think it applies to fashion as well tbh!

    • Your partners theory actually makes a lot of sense. That’s an interesting idea because they actually all do sound the same. I could barely tell when one song ended and another began. I am waiting for the music revival that we are due for. I also agree that it applies to fashion as well.

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