One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four |
I’m fairly certain that my Instacart delivery person hated my guts today. I ordered a ton of stuff which a lot of canned goods (Coronavirus prep). When she got here she called to ask if I could come down to get everything because there was no parking.
This turned out to be bullshit because she was literally parked when I got down there.
I figured the point of grocery delivery was so you don’t have to leave the house and carry shit. If I knew I was going to have to carry it all up I could have saved some money and picked it up myself.
On a positive note, I did manage to take a lot of photos for Poshmark today. Tomorrow I’ll draft up some listings. I’m going to wait until I have around 20 listings ready before I set them as live to get the ball rolling.
The weather is supposed to be crap tomorrow so I figure it is a good day to get started on things.
Can you believe it’s almost March already? I can’t wait to set the clocks ahead again, because I miss that extra bit of daylight. A little extra sun shining can really be a gamechanger.
Have a great weekend!
Weekly Reads (and maybe videos):
The Photos That Ended Child Labour in the US.
This website plays every Billboard Top 5 song since 1960. I lost a lot of time going through each year tonight.
28 Things Everyone Experienced as a kid. These are pretty funny because they are true.
Female support system wall hook.
Abandoned dollhouses for your macabre child 😉 I love them.
Musical pet supergroup. This is hilarious.
The evolution of the Friends theme song from the 1920s to 1990s. This is fun.
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