Weekly Reads and Finds and a Gift Guide Under $25

Holiday Gift Guide for Under $25

Holiday Gift Guide for the under $25. | Budget gift guide | gift ideas | christmas shopping | christmas gift guide | christmas deals | holiday gift guide | christmas present ideas | livelovesara

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-one | Twenty -two | Twenty-three |

Nothing says parenting quite like driving through traffic and one of your kids yelling that the other is going to puke. So you turn quickly (Tom was driving), grab the nearest thing to catch it so it doesn’t spew all over the kid and car, and it just happens to be their winter jacket.

Side Note: jackets aren’t easy to catch puke in.
It was Roo who puked because she’s my puker, but not usually in the car. The car is Merle’s puke domain. We were driving to Merle’s birthday destination, so luckily I had Gravol in my purse and coats weren’t necessary since it was indoors. All in all the rest of the day turned out well 😉
This week I have Holiday Gift Guide for under $25. These inexpensive gift ideas above are only from retailers that guarantee you’ll receive it this week. I can’t believe Christmas 10 days away. 
Christmas time is my favourite time of the year but the stress of trying to find the perfect gift one a budget can taint the holiday. I hope that the above can give you some good Christmas present ideas while still keeping to a holiday budget.

Weekly Reads (and maybe videos):

Films With Leading Women are Outperforming Ones Starring Dudes.

Friends Monopoly is available, aaand it looks amazing (picture that in Chandler’s voice).

Christine McConnell is even amazing at Christmas.

Ruby Rose as Batwoman.

NPR’s Book Concierge. A Guide to 2018’s Great Reads.

You Are Cordially Invited to Watch the First Teaser for The Downton Abbey Movie.

How to Sort Your Closet Like a Professional Personal Stylist.

Slow Cooker Mulled Wine. Perfect holiday drink.

You can see some more Gift Guides here.

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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.

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