Weekly Reads and Finds 300

A white background with a collection of 24 finds from the past week.

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four

I have had an overly sensitive cough receptor my whole life. This means that whenever I catch something that involves a cough, it makes it a million times worse because of that sensitivity.

It gets triggered and I go into these types of long coughing spasms that are really embarrassing and happen at the worst times, and I keep coughing until it calms only for it to happen again a short time later.

Pre 2020 it was bad, but after people look at me with horrified looks on their faces. Nope, not spreading some new disease, this is the way I always am.

Ironically, I can’t really take cough medicine to help because I am sensitive to that as well.

Well, I can take it, but it often doesn’t help, and I also don’t react well to it, even when I take the kids’ version.

They make me feel really high and it is disruptive to my life almost as much as breaking into a coughing spasm, but the effects of the cough medicine last longer.

Much longer than it is supposed to, especially since it doesn’t even stop the coughing fully. I took a kids dose Wednesday afternoon at around 2 and I could still feel the effects Thursday evening.

It’s ridiculous.

That is my long-winded way of saying if my posts haven’t made sense over the last week, this is why. My brain isn’t working right now from coughing too much and cough medicine.

So much drama over what should be a mild head cold. Sigh.

In case you missed it, yesterday I posted a minimalist winter capsule for those who like a bit of colour with their minimalism.

Weekly Reads and Some Videos:

Amateur Historian Discovers Lost Story by ‘Dracula’ Author Bram Stoker 

Are We Entering the Anti-Filler Era?

I got dysentery so you don’t have to. This was an interesting read.

Strolls with stops use more energy than continuous walking, scientists show

Alphabet in Motion: An ABC Pop-up Book on How Letters Get Their Shape. This is super cool.

Discover the Mysteries of Italy’s Park of Monsters, a 16th-Century Garden Filled With Strange, Colossal Stone Creatures

Well, I definitely want one of these.

Spin the 17th-Century Death Roulette Wheel & Find Out What Would Have Killed You in 1665. Mine was March 28th, 1665, Scalded at St. Andrew Holborn.

Built to Last: How Ancient Roman Bridges Can Still Withstand the Weight of Modern Cars & Trucks

J.Crew and Christopher John Rogers Kick Off the Holidays Early With a New Collection

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Weekly Reads and Finds 299


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Sara is the founder and creative behind livelovesara. A George Brown College Fashion Styling Graduate, she provides advice on finding your personal style regardless of age and budget. She is always on the hunt for the perfect wardrobe piece and is a vintage and thrifting enthusiast who can't wait to share her newest finds. She is also trying to learn French.


  1. If you are able to have it, try a spoonful of honey to help with your cough. When my daughter is sick and can’t have a dose of cough medicine it helps to ease it. It might help with the worst of it and as long as there are no issues with allergies you won’t have any unwanted side effects.

    • Thanks Traci. It can sometimes help to take the edge off but usually it’s just me coughing and trying not to choke on honey 😂

  2. You’ve probably already tried this… But there is a prescription cough suppressant capsule with the nickname the pearl. Sorry I can’t remember the prescription name. I also have a hard time with lingering dramatic coughing fits and this has been an amazing solution.

    • I had whooping cough when I was little and apparently it jacked everything up and I’ve been like this ever since 😂 I’ll ask my mom about this because she was a pharmacy technician for many years. Thanks for the tip, because I’ve never heard of it before.

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